Permintaan File Ubl Full Redmi Note 5 Pro Whyred

Ketua Teknisi HP (Official)

Permintaan File Ubl Full Redmi Note 5 Pro Whyred

Permintaan File Ubl Full Redmi Note 5 Pro Whyred.Dibeberapa tahun lalu kami sudah membagikan file backupan ubl ini,namun berjalanya waktu yang cukup lama file/link rusak.karena permintaan dari pengunjung lewat Kontak ,maka kami membuatnya ulang.file dibackup menggunakan RiBAK Tool dalam kondisi normal jaya dan status bootloader true


Searching USB Devices...OK
Port Device Detect : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 COM15
Connection Status : USB High Speed
Driver Manufacturer : Qualcomm Incorporated

Selected Programmer : >>>Auto Loader Selected
Status>>>... Checking Device

Sending Boot...Device Already On Boot Programing Mode
Authentication Running...

Storage :  eMMC Extended CSD Revision: 0x8

Disk Gpt :  34 sectors, 17.0 KiB
Sector Size (Logical) :  512 bytes
Boot 1 : 4096Mb,Boot 2 : 4096Mb,User area : 31268536320
Total Real : 29.12 GB

Listing part... 
Partition : switch Total : 8192Bytes = .01 MB
Partition : dpo Total : 8192Bytes = .01 MB
Partition : fsc Total : 8192Bytes = .01 MB
Partition : limits Total : 32768Bytes = .03 MB
Partition : ssd Total : 32768Bytes = .03 MB
Partition : sec Total : 20480Bytes = .02 MB
Partition : vbmeta Total : 65536Bytes = .06 MB
Partition : vbmetabak Total : 65536Bytes = .06 MB
Partition : storsec Total : 131072Bytes = .13 MB
Partition : storsecbak Total : 131072Bytes = .13 MB
Partition : apdp Total : 262144Bytes = .25 MB
Partition : msadp Total : 262144Bytes = .25 MB
Partition : keystore Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : frp Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : rpm Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : rpmbak Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : hyp Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : hypbak Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : pmic Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : pmicbak Total : 524288Bytes = .5 MB
Partition : cmnlib Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : cmnlibbak Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : cmnlib64 Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : cmnlib64bak Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : abl Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : ablbak Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : dip Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : ddr Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : toolsfv Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : devcfgbak Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : devcfg Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : tz Total : 4194304Bytes = 4 MB
Partition : tzbak Total : 4194304Bytes = 4 MB
Partition : mdtpsecapp Total : 4194304Bytes = 4 MB
Partition : mdtpsecappbak Total : 4194304Bytes = 4 MB
Partition : keymaster Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : keymasterbak Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : bluetooth Total : 1048576Bytes = 1 MB
Partition : sti Total : 2097152Bytes = 2 MB
Partition : xbl Total : 3670016Bytes = 3.5 MB
Partition : xblbak Total : 3670016Bytes = 3.5 MB
Partition : misc Total : 4194304Bytes = 4 MB
Partition : devinfo Total : 8388608Bytes = 8 MB
Partition : logfs Total : 8388608Bytes = 8 MB
Partition : fsg Total : 8388608Bytes = 8 MB
Partition : modemst1 Total : 8388608Bytes = 8 MB
Partition : modemst2 Total : 8388608Bytes = 8 MB
Partition : dsp Total : 16777216Bytes = 16 MB
Partition : bk1 Total : 25165824Bytes = 24 MB
Partition : mdtp Total : 33554432Bytes = 32 MB
Partition : bk2 Total : 33554432Bytes = 32 MB
Partition : splash Total : 67108864Bytes = 64 MB
Partition : persist Total : 33554432Bytes = 32 MB
Partition : persistbak Total : 33554432Bytes = 32 MB
Partition : logdump Total : 67108864Bytes = 64 MB
Partition : modem Total : 201326592Bytes = 192 MB
Partition : rawdump Total : 134217728Bytes = 128 MB
Partition : boot Total : 67108864Bytes = 64 MB
Partition : recovery Total : 67108864Bytes = 64 MB
Partition : cache Total : 268435456Bytes = 256 MB
Partition : system Total : 3221225472Bytes = 3072 MB
Partition : vendor Total : 2147483648Bytes = 2048 MB
Partition : cust Total : 872415232Bytes = 832 MB
Partition : userdata Total : 23886544384Bytes = 22779.98 MB

Status Bootloader : 1
BUILD : xiaomi/whyred/whyred:9/PKQ1.180904.001/V11.0.3.0.PEIMIXM:user/release-keys
BUILD ID : PKQ1.180904.001
SECURITY PATCH  : 2019-11-05
MODEL : Redmi Note 5
BRAND : xiaomi
NAME : whyred
MODE DEVICE  : whyred_global
CPU ABI : arm64-v8a
CPU ABILIST : arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST32 : armeabi-v7a,armeabi
CPU ABILIST64 : arm64-v8a
Build Description : whyred-user 9 PKQ1.180904.001 V11.0.3.0.PEIMIXM release-keys
Miui Version : V11
MODE DEVICE  : whyred_global
Manufacturer : Xiaomi
Platform : sdm660
SIM State : unknown
Scan partition... OK   ✓
Identify Succes
Auto Backup Gpt =  OK>>>Save To Folder : \\ Gpt

Auto Backup Efs =  OK>>>Save To Folder : \\ Efs

finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 25 seconds


Backup Before Doing Any Work
Researching USB Devices...OK
Port Device Detect : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 COM15
Connection Status : USB High Speed
Driver Manufacturer : Qualcomm Incorporated

Selected Programmer : >>>Auto Loader Selected
Status>>>... Read Partition

Sending Boot...Device Already On Boot Programing Mode
Authentication Running...
Save To Folder: \\ D:\BACKUPAN\full file ubl redmi note 5 pro whyred
Reading>>> PrimaryGPT ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> switch ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> dpo ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> fsc ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> limits ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> ssd ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> sec ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> vbmeta ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> vbmetabak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> storsec ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> storsecbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> apdp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> msadp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> keystore ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> frp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> rpm ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> rpmbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> hyp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> hypbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> pmic ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> pmicbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> cmnlib ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> cmnlibbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> cmnlib64 ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> cmnlib64bak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> abl ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> ablbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> dip ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> ddr ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> toolsfv ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> devcfgbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> devcfg ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> tz ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> tzbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> mdtpsecapp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> mdtpsecappbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> keymaster ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> keymasterbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> bluetooth ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> sti ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> xbl ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> xblbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> misc ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> devinfo ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> logfs ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> fsg ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> modemst1 ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> modemst2 ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> dsp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 0 seconds
Reading>>> bk1 ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 1 seconds
Reading>>> mdtp ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 1 seconds
Reading>>> bk2 ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 1 seconds
Reading>>> splash ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 2 seconds
Reading>>> persist ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 2 seconds
Reading>>> persistbak ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 1 seconds
Reading>>> logdump ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 2 seconds
Reading>>> modem ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 7 seconds
Reading>>> rawdump ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 4 seconds
Reading>>> boot ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 2 seconds
Reading>>> recovery ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 2 seconds
Reading>>> cache ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 9 seconds
Reading>>> system ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 1 minutes ~ 51 seconds
Reading>>> vendor ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 1 minutes ~ 13 seconds
Reading>>> cust ...  OK   ✓
finished. total time: 0 minutes ~ 30 seconds
Creating rawprogram xml... OK   ✓

Bagi yang membutuhkan file langsung mendownloadnya File Backupan Ubl Full Redmi Note 5 Pro Whyred
